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The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

Painting a picture of the Winter Art Show: Getting to know the artists

Reese Bassuk, Sports & Caboose Editor February 6, 2023

Over 20 years ago, the Winter Art Show was created to allow students to create original work and experiment freely with various mediums and artistic styles. The show is designed to help students develop...

A year in review: 2020-2021

Maya Campbell, Editor in Chief, Online June 7, 2021

First Day of School August 31, 2020 The absence of the Senior Raid into the Salkind Center gym on August 31, 2020, marked an untraditional start to the 2020-2021 school year, yet other ASM traditions...

Aisha Catena Foster 19' Winter Art Show. By Kian Nassre, Web Editor.

Inside the 2019 Winter Art Show

Clementine Daniel, Staff Writer February 13, 2019

On Thursday, Feb. 14, 18 dedicated Urban artists will gather in the Page Street building to present their installations which have been weeks in the making as a part of the Winter Art Show. The Winter...

Painting created by Nina Criswell for the Winter Art Show in the fourth floor hallway on Feb. 15, 2018.

Winter Art Show graces Urban walls with a night of wonder

Kian Nassre, Editor In Chief, Visuals April 3, 2018

Ten weeks of artistic processes, countless hours of dedicated work and eternities of thought produce the annual tradition of the Winter Art Show. The yearly display is the culmination of the Advanced...

Urban students showcase their work in the Winter Art Show

Urban students showcase their work in the Winter Art Show

Emma Draisin, Staff Writer January 27, 2017

   On Friday, February 17th, a group of 13 Urban School seniors will present an artistic body of work in the annual Winter Art Show. These students create the show over the course of the winter trimester....

2015 Winter Art Show wows

2015 Winter Art Show wows

Olivia Morfit, Staff Writer March 4, 2015

The 2015 Winter Art Show drew over 100 affirmative RSVPs on Facebook, and generated a buzz heard throughout the halls for a week prior. When the crepe paper hiding the wall installations was peeled back,...

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Winter Art Show