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The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

Bana-nice Cream Recipe of Champs

Bana-nice Cream Recipe of Champs

Ana Gorski, Head Fact Checker March 31, 2017

Nice cream /nahys kreem/- noun Simple healthy ice cream made from frozen banana goodness Chocolate 2 frozen bananas 1 Tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla Mint...

Maximizing Productivity; One Bite at a Time

Olivia Mitchel and Katie Jonckheer June 4, 2016

Food and studying go hand in hand. But not just food in general— healthy food! Many recent studies have shown that both healthy eating and eating before working are crucial for a well functioning brain....

What do Urban Athletes eat on Game Day?

Colin Heath, Staff Writer December 8, 2015

According to Urban’s website, sixty percent of the student body plays an Urban sport. But what do Urban athletes eat before games and meets?   The results were varied: Lucas Lepinard (’17),...

Pick up the book “Eating Animals” by Jonathan Safran Foer. One copy is now available in The Urban School library.

Opinion: ‘Tis the season to eat meat, but consider the morality of mammal munching

Marney Kline, Staff Writer December 14, 2011

“My relationship to meat? I eat it,” said Jordan Clark (’12). As Jordan shares her simple and straightforward attitude towards meat-eating, both she and I are put at ease. This statement presents nothing...

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