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The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

Catching the z’s: the sleeping habits of Urban students

Kyle Young, Staff Writer January 21, 2022

The return to in-person school in March 2021 was an energizing triumph over COVID-19, but in many ways, exhausting. Constant socialization, extracurriculars, and homework can be overwhelming...

Urban students at a coffee machine on Thursday, October 28. Photo credit: Ella Chen.

Caffeine: helpful tool or addictive drug?

Ella Chen, Staff Writer November 18, 2021

Urban students often show up to their 8:30 a.m. morning class with a cup of coffee or a Yerba Mate in hand. Between long days of school, extracurriculars and limited hours of sleep, caffeine can provide...

Students and teachers react to new Being at Urban classes

Students and teachers react to new Being at Urban classes

Eli Gordon, Staff Writer November 16, 2017

Sitting up on pillows and lying down on blankets, Urban School students focus on their breath while directing positive thoughts at people they love in a practice called “heartfulness.” This is a Being...

Urban students struggle to prioritize sleep

Niki King Fredel, Staff Writer June 4, 2015

At 12 a.m., an Urban student gets into bed, sleeping just seven hours before the alarm rings, waking her for another long day of school and homework. Seven hours is not enough but it’s the most she can...

Sickness plagues students, but not their attendance

Olivia DiNapoli, Staff Writer June 4, 2015

It’s 7 a.m. on a weekday, and you’re beginning to feel sick. Your choice is seemingly simple: either miss a day of school to recover or try your best to bear the illness and journey to Urban. But perhaps...

Urban School students struggle with sleep deprivation

Urban School students struggle with sleep deprivation

Jamie Friedman, Staff Writer December 14, 2011

After studying for a math test, science test, and Spanish presentation, you fall asleep at 2:30 a.m. Waking up exhausted and stressed, you wonder where the balance is between working hard and getting enough...

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