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The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

Poster in Gumption hallway on Wednesday, October 27th. Photo credit: Zadie Winthrop.

Worms, soil toxins, and the Navy: Grace ‘22 and Caroline ‘22 on their environmental racism research

Zadie Winthrop, Editor in Chief, Print November 30, 2021

Two Urban seniors, Grace Nesmith ‘22 and Caroline Wu ‘22, are wrapping up a research project where they looked at differences in the prevalence of toxins in the soil of the Bayview Naval Shipyard and...

Alum Hannah Dreier Reflects on Her Experience Reporting from Venezuela

Alum Hannah Dreier Reflects on Her Experience Reporting from Venezuela

Sophia Vahanvaty, Editor-in-Chief of Newspaper February 6, 2018

You know you have won Urban when your high school research paper is assigned reading for Dan Matz’s History of South Asia class. Hannah Dreier’s (‘04) research paper she wrote as an Urban junior...

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