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The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

An Urban student looks at the Find My Friends app. Photo credit: Phoebe Grandi.

Trust me or track me: how cell phone tracking affects child-parent dynamics

Phoebe Grandi, Visuals Editor May 31, 2019

A few years ago, cell phones were the newest frontier for teenage independence. With the increasing popularity of apps like Find My Friends, however, parents have turned teens’ cell phones into location...

Campaigners march in Cardiff, the capital of Wales, as a part of "School Girl March" to demand action over Nigerian schoolgirl abductions

Bring Back Our Girls’ “School Girl March” seeks to raise awareness about Nigerian kidnappings

Ilana Brandstetter, Staff Writer May 22, 2014

Bring Back Our Girls, a social awareness campaign that started in California, is organizing a worldwide School Girl March today to raise awareness about the plight of 276 Nigerian girls abducted from their...

Guest Opinion: Two Urban students against the "Safe Teen Socializing Agreement"

Guest Opinion: Two Urban students against the “Safe Teen Socializing Agreement”

Harry Krinsky and Charlotte Blanc, Guest writers February 8, 2011

Read the parent guest opinion on the "Safe Teen Socializing Contract" by John M. O'Connell Jr. As freshmen, we can eat on Haight Street on the first day of school. We have laptops and no Web site restrictions....

Urban School Teens Give Thoughts On Choice to Drink

Urban School Teens Give Thoughts On Choice to Drink

Marney Kline, Staff writer February 6, 2011

Welcome to high school: it’s middle school on steroids. The workload, the people, the parties – it’s all amped up just a notch or two. And at some point, all students are confronted by temptations...

Urban students ponder "Tiger" parenting in light of viral article by Amy Chua

Urban students ponder “Tiger” parenting in light of viral article by Amy Chua

Jamie Friedman, Staff writer February 2, 2011

You are not allowed to attend a sleepover. No play dates or school plays, no complaining about not being in a school play. You must be the top student in every class. Your extracurricular activities must...

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