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The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

Left to right: Laura Hawkins, Keira Darling ‘24, Philo Judson ‘22. Collage by: Eliot Solomon.

Finding community in the cyberspace

Eliot Solomon, Staff Writer January 21, 2022

The internet is seen as both a safe-haven and a dangerous place. Despite the threat of catfishers, porn messaging bots and doxxers who leak IP addresses, people still look to online spaces to find communities...

AJ Jolish's Poem "Ode to a Box Filled with Smaller Boxes"

An honor beyond the words on the page: featuring AJ Jolish, one of Urban’s newest published authors

Maya Campbell, Arts and Culture Editor April 16, 2021

On March 25, 2021, the Urban community received news that three Urban students’ would soon have their work featured and published in the Marin Poetry Center High School Anthology 2021 alongside other...

Urban Event Update: the fall production Roads to Liberation: A Feminist Cabaret

Maya Campbell, Arts and Culture Editor December 4, 2020

To attend this event click HERE The cast of the Roads to Liberation: A Feminist Cabaret Natalia A                    Ella J Molly B                       Philo J Morgan...

The 2020-21 college application process: applying during a pandemic

The 2020-21 college application process: applying during a pandemic

Sydney Riemer, Editor-in-Chief, Online November 19, 2020

Each year an estimated 69.8% of high school seniors across the United States begin their college application process; it is the culmination, for many, of four years of challenging classes, extracurriculars,...

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