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The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

Illustration credit: Maya Campbell.

Searching for students’ successful study spots

Maya Campbell, Editor in Chief, Online April 26, 2022

Although summer is within our grasp, the final six weeks of the school year can feel long and at times unbearable with final exams, projects and presentations. Below is a map of Urban with a guide to some...

Tulin’s top titles

Tulin Chang-Maltepe, Managing Editor March 3, 2022

Writers & Lovers by Lily King: “Writers & Lovers” is for anyone who needs something honest. Lily King writes with such attention to detail and transparency that readers really are engulfed...

Shafia Zaloom displays her new book, Sex Teens, and Everything in Between on Friday, September 3, 2019. Photo Credit: Shafia Zaloom.

Urban’s newest author: Shafia Zaloom

Callum Yeaman, Staff Writer October 28, 2019

While the #metoo movement rises and sexual assault becomes one of the most prevalent issues in the United States today, only 50% of high schools require sexual education for their students. Shafia Zaloom,...

Where Nobody Says “Shhh”

Zachary Ngin, Book Critic June 7, 2016

   Public library. If you were asked to associate a sound with the term, a certain throaty hissiness might come to mind, the muffled humiliation of a librarian’s shush. Or maybe you’d hear the constant...

Recreational reading loses prevalence among busy high school students

Olivia Mitchel, Staff Writer October 15, 2015

Remember those reading logs you got in middle school? Those glorious days when your homework was to spend a substantial amount of time with the book of your choice? No annotations necessary, no passage...

Urban School’s Library Leaders want you to read!

This year, a new leadership opportunity was created in order to help Sarah Levin, The Urban School’s librarian, get students to be more enthusiastic about reading. Library Leaders was formed because...

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