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The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

A year in review: 2020-2021

Maya Campbell, Editor in Chief, Online June 7, 2021

First Day of School August 31, 2020 The absence of the Senior Raid into the Salkind Center gym on August 31, 2020, marked an untraditional start to the 2020-2021 school year, yet other ASM traditions...

Class of 2021 says farewell to Urban at Kezar Stadium graduation

Delancey Gaito, Staff Writer June 4, 2021

After a year of uncertainty and apprehensive hope, the California Department of Public Health officially approved outdoor, COVID-19 compliant graduation ceremonies. Consequently, on Friday, June 11...

Reflecting on Urban, 5 Years Later

Lindsay Welch (Urban Class of 2011), Guest Writer June 8, 2016

It has been 5 years since I received my Urban School diploma, as I proudly shook Charlotte’s hand onstage at Stern Grove. I remember little about that day, other than the sundress I wore, the bouquets...

Urban Seniors Reflect on Past Humiliations

Lily Dodd, Staff Writer June 7, 2016

People say these will be the best years of our lives. People say we’ll look back on our high school selves and be rendered speechless by how good-looking, charming, and free-spirited we were. We’ll...

GALLERY: Members of the class of 2015 reveal insights about their time at Urban

Ariane Goldsmith, Staff Writer June 10, 2015

As members of the class of 2015 prepare to leave Urban, they also reflect on what they have experienced in the past four years. Senior Spring is a special time when seniors are able to have a more objective...

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What’s Up: Bay Area events to bring you to life after school ends

Ella McLeod and Olivia DiNapoli June 5, 2014

After a long year of 20-page history handouts, 50-page English readings, unsolvable problem sets, and getting cozy with the teachers in math cafe, you’re finally free. But how will you spend your 11...

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