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The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

Illustration Credit: Rylan Waterman.

Senior pranks shut down: the past and future of a school tradition

Luke McKane, Staff Writer, Designer April 26, 2022

Senior pranks are an iconic tradition at many high schools, including Urban, and after returning to a non-hybrid spring schedule many students have been wondering if the pranks will make a comeback. Urban...

Jessica Yen in the Academic Dean's Office in 2021. Photo credit: Rizal Adanza.

Get to know Jessica Yen

Maya Campbell and Mira Chandriani October 16, 2021

After a one and a half year hiatus of fully in-person school, the Urban School that students deserted in March of 2020 was not the one they returned to this fall. Inevitably we said goodbye to many and...

Urban’s community prepares for a hybrid future

Urban’s community prepares for a hybrid future

Tulin Chang-Maltepe, Staff Writer October 19, 2020

As Urban continues to familiarize itself with the COVID-19 pandemic, the community is challenged with trying to maintain safe conditions while simultaneously providing the hands-on, collaborative education...

SF high schools alter schedules and curriculums due to COVID-19

SF high schools alter schedules and curriculums due to COVID-19

Mira Chandriani, Editor in Chief, Creative October 19, 2020

Instead of returning to the classroom for a new school year this fall, students across the Bay Area have found themselves learning from their homes. This new reality of Virtual School brings an added twist...

Homework survey results inform teaching practices

Sophia Vahanvaty, Editor-in-Chief of Newspaper March 29, 2018

Complaints about excessive homework are a constant presence in the Urban School’s hallways. But how much truth is there to these claims? Led by Geoff Ruth, the Academic Dean, the school administration...

Sci-Fi or Sci-Fact? Urban science department discusses

Lily Dodd, Staff Writer December 8, 2014

By Lily Dodd The science department is passionate about many things. Among them: The San Francisco Giants, moths, Batman, science (of course), ski jumping, moths, time travel, sea otters, movies, and...

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Geoff Ruth