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The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

Illustration Credit: Rylan Waterman.

Senior pranks shut down: the past and future of a school tradition

Luke McKane, Staff Writer, Designer April 26, 2022

Senior pranks are an iconic tradition at many high schools, including Urban, and after returning to a non-hybrid spring schedule many students have been wondering if the pranks will make a comeback. Urban...

Evie Hidysmith’s thesis on socioeconomics at Urban: “Private schools are unethical. Period.”

Mira Chandriani, Editor in Chief, Print April 26, 2022

Evie Hidysmith, Urban’s Pandemic Coordinator and graduate of Urban in the Class of 2017, wrote a senior thesis for Brown University titled “ .” Her thesis discusses wealth at Urban and San...

Behind the swab: COVID-19 testing equity within SF schools

Ella Chen, Staff Writer March 3, 2022

Upon entering campus, Urban students have grown accustomed to seeing a line of dozens waiting impatiently to be tested for COVID-19. As the Omicron variant has spread rapidly throughout San Francisco,...

Diego Lopez ('18) belays fellow classmates

Urban’s PA classes offer more than just physical activity

Griffin Bianchi, Staff Writer October 15, 2015

Athletes know the sights, sounds, and smells of their sports. The swoosh of the ball against the net after it flies between the goalie and the post, the buzzer screeching as the first quarter ends, the...

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Evie Hidysmith