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The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

Meet your POTUS candidates

Ella Chen, Editor in Chief (Creative) May 3, 2023

As the contentious 2024 presidential election approaches, multiple politicians have officially announced their candidacy. There remain many unsolved economic, climate-related and international issues that...

What faculty thinks about you

Ella Chen, Editor in Chief, Creative February 6, 2023

Have you ever wondered what Urban faculty really think about students at the end of the day? When asked how they would roast the typical Urban student, here is how several faculty members responded. Mary...

Behind the swab: COVID-19 testing equity within SF schools

Ella Chen, Staff Writer March 3, 2022

Upon entering campus, Urban students have grown accustomed to seeing a line of dozens waiting impatiently to be tested for COVID-19. As the Omicron variant has spread rapidly throughout San Francisco,...

Urban’s next top model

Ella Chen, Staff Writer January 21, 2022

Adrian Vaznaugh-Sanchez ‘22, he/him This dress is a little Gingham thing made using 50s sewing methods. I have a fixation on vintage sewing methods and fashion, so it was a good purchase to further...

Urban students at a coffee machine on Thursday, October 28. Photo credit: Ella Chen.

Caffeine: helpful tool or addictive drug?

Ella Chen, Staff Writer November 18, 2021

Urban students often show up to their 8:30 a.m. morning class with a cup of coffee or a Yerba Mate in hand. Between long days of school, extracurriculars and limited hours of sleep, caffeine can provide...

Get to know Amina Samake and Joey Mintz

Ella Chen, Staff Writer October 16, 2021

[slideshow_deploy id='12864']     Following a school year altered by the COVID-19 pandemic and filled with countless challenges for students’ learning and mental health, Urban welcomed...

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