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The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

Illustration credit: Daphne Gilman

Six students attend the Student Diversity Leadership Conference

Daphne Yeh Gilman, Staff Writer February 29, 2024

On the morning of November 29, 2023, rather than heading to their B period classes, six Urban students and three faculty members gathered in the Page Street lobby with suitcases in hand. Usually filled...

Mark Salkind, Head of School, blows bubbles in the garden.

Popping Urban’s bubbles of privilege, liberalism, and grades

Ariane Goldsmith, Jacob Winick, and Hannah Berk February 10, 2015

Privilege Many Urban students argue that while the Urban “bubble” could generate positive discussion, at times it simply allows students to remain complacent in their place of privilege. “Every...

Affinity show participants and group leaders pose for the camera after vocal warmups and bonding activities.

REVIEW: The Urban School’s “Affinity Show” marks growth, highlights room for change

Olivia Morfit, Staff Writer June 5, 2014

The SWEAR Show has undergone a makeover. Until this year, SWEAR, or Students for Women’s Equality and Rights, has put on an annual spoken-word performance inspired by Eve Ensler’s “The Vagina Monologues”. This...

Urban’s Lautze on Month of Understanding: Make it a permanent state of being

February 8, 2012

After math teacher Richard Lautze burst into the spotlight during Urban’s Jan. 3 all-school meeting with an impassioned speech about the Month of Understanding, The Urban Legend sought an even deeper...

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