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The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

How to help: recourses for the Afghanistan crisis

Zoe Sokatch, Arts and Culture & Caboose Editor October 12, 2021

After 20 years of war, the Taliban, an ultraconservative fundamentalist Islamic movement, has instated themselves in power in Afghanistan. This dramatic shift in power has caused chaos, violence and terror...

Infographic of the number of entries into the United States via legal points of entry in 2017 versus the total populations of the US, Mexico, and Central America. Source: Customs and Border Patrol, United States Census Bureau.
By Kian Nassre, Web Editor

Planes, Boats and Concealed Vehicles: The reality of drug trafficking at the border

Lily Daniel, Editor-in-Chief February 26, 2019

Amidst the recent government shutdown and the trials of Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán for smuggling drugs into the U.S., President Trump’s petition for building a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border has...

Supporters of Prop C near the Urban School. By Phoebe Grandi, Visuals Editor.

San Francisco votes to tax the rich to benefit the poor with Prop C

November 27, 2018

On Nov. 6, 2018 San Francisco voters passed Proposition C to tax the city’s wealthiest businesses in an effort to increase funding for homelessness prevention. The proposition is projected to raise $300...

Alum Hannah Dreier Reflects on Her Experience Reporting from Venezuela

Alum Hannah Dreier Reflects on Her Experience Reporting from Venezuela

Sophia Vahanvaty, Editor-in-Chief of Newspaper February 6, 2018

You know you have won Urban when your high school research paper is assigned reading for Dan Matz’s History of South Asia class. Hannah Dreier’s (‘04) research paper she wrote as an Urban junior...

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