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The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

Information provided by 2020 College Board Report and 2018 ACT Profile Report. Infographic credit: Mira Chandriani.

Opinion: the SAT and ACT have overstayed their welcome

Mira Chandriani, Editor in Chief, Creative November 19, 2020

A rising number of colleges have begun phasing SAT and ACT scores out of their admissions decisions, in a move that is long overdue. Not only are these standardized tests extremely time-consuming to study...

Testing accommodations–not always so accommodating

Sophia Vahanvaty, Editor-in-Chief of Newspaper November 16, 2017

As the Urban School students gear up for Week 12 testing, students with learning differences face the additional struggle of making sure their testing accommodations are in order. This process can be intense...

Urban's college counselors, Susan Lee and Lauren Gersick, work in their office on the first floor.

College counselors are center stage as college admissions decisions approach

Ella McLeod, Editor-in-chief: News March 3, 2014

In one month most Urban seniors will receive their college admissions letters.  Where they get in depends on their grades, test scores, extracurriculars, family legacy, and who was helping them — specifically,...

More students at The Urban School begin early SAT and ACT prep, but how early is too early?

Olive Lopez, Staff Writer November 14, 2013

A couple of weeks ago, my parents arrived home from a junior parent college meeting bearing a thick folder stuffed with information about the ACT and SAT. A few days ago, I placed an order for three...

University of California tuition hikes provoke concern, outrage

Jonathan Baer, Staff Writer October 19, 2011

As public universities all across the nation begin classes for the 2011-12 school year, the University of California system faces financial challenges of epic proportions. On July 27, in a letter addressed...

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