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The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

The School Newspaper of Urban School of San Francisco

The Urban Legend

Illustration Credit: Rylan Waterman.

Senior pranks shut down: the past and future of a school tradition

Luke McKane, Staff Writer, Designer April 26, 2022

Senior pranks are an iconic tradition at many high schools, including Urban, and after returning to a non-hybrid spring schedule many students have been wondering if the pranks will make a comeback. Urban...

What grade deans really think about you

What grade deans really think about you

Reese Bassuk, Staff Writer April 26, 2022

CHARISSE - 12th grade Give five phrases/words to describe your grade. Ambitious, capable, curious, good-hearted, honest. What color would your grade be? Purple, because it's a royal color. What...

Religious and cultural holidays at Urban

Mira Chandriani, Editor in Chief, Print March 3, 2022

The Urban handbook’s religious observances policy asserts, “we honor religious pluralism in our culture and respect the practice of diverse religions among our families. It is our policy to allow...

The Urban rubric

Mira Chandriani, Editor in Chief, Print February 3, 2022

Urban’s grading system sets the school apart from almost all high schools across the country. Giving students detailed rubrics and narrative feedback on all assignments rather than a single letter grade...

Letters to the Editor (Issue 2, 2019-20)

Loki Olin, Editor-in-Chief, Print December 1, 2019

“The horoscopes were original, creative, and comical. I hope the entire Urban community can appreciate them.” — Melia Fillipow ‘20 Dear Melia, I also loved the horoscopes, and I am glad they...

Evolution of the Senior Prank

Tikloh Bruno-Basaing, Sports Editor May 22, 2019

For the past few decades, seniors have left their mark on Urban with an annual senior prank. The past few years have included pranks such as rearranging furniture, sleeping in classrooms, and having a...

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Charlotte Worsley