Urban students share their memories from interblock break
Celebrities were spotted, basketball games played, taxi drivers enraged, and butter spilled during The Urban School’s interblock break. Read on to get an incite into the lives of Urban students un-professional lives during the week-long vacation.

Alley Rome (’17): “I went to Mexico and went on a whale watching trip. There were all these baby whales and they swam up really close to the boat so that you could pet them. After, when I was snorkeling, I saw some dolphins and a sea cucumber.”
Phoebe Yusim (’16): “I went to New Orleans with some family friends. I had to fly alone which was a new experience. There were some layovers; I hung out in Texas for a while, alone… In New Orleans I walked around Bourbon street which is the crazy party street and people were like, turning up at two in the morning. I also ate a lot of food. it was pretty cool.”

Spencer Rosen (’17): “I went to Santa Monica, LA. When I went to dinner at Nobu, a sushi restaurant in Malibu, the rappers French Montana, Common walked in and so did like, six NBA Lakers players. It was so cool and there was all this paparazzi outside. It was wild!”
Lauren Safier (’17): “When I went to New York my Mom and I went to go eat at this restaurant by our hotel. I was getting up to go leave so I could look around the neighborhood while my mom paid the check. As I was getting up I spilled the entire jug of water all over my pants and the floor. Then as I was walking out I tripped over the concrete steps and everyone in the restaurant saw it happen. Then when my mom walked out I found out that after I left she spilled a bowl of hot butter all over herself and the table. They were very mad.”

Lars Archer (’16): “During break I went to up to Oregon and Washington to look at some colleges… during my tours, at every school I looked at, over half the kids were from Texas, which struck me as odd because Oregon and Washington are pretty close to Washington, so I expected more Californian kids to be there.”

Serena Richard (’17): “I walked a dog.”
Leo Krinsky (’18): During break “I had a stay-cation. I played basketball which took up most of my time. We made it to states and almost beat St. Joes. we went into overtime with them… it was pretty heated.”
Claire Oster (’17): “When I was in Cabo, Mexico, we had a bad start to our vacation. My mom got into a fight with our taxi driver. She was trying to say “you lied to us,” but it turned out she said “you f***** us” in Spanish or something fairly inappropriate. The guy got super weirded out and asked us to get out of his cab. It was not that funny at the time because we were stuck in Mexico.”